how can i weight loss

how can i weight loss

dimanche 19 juillet 2015



A lot of information poured daily in the media with content about tips and ways to lose weight without complicated diets or fasting. Some are based and others not and we must learn to discern which rely; but what no doubt, it is that all this information reflects a great public interest in nutrition and overweight.

We are certainly in the era of nutrition and this is becoming an important role in our lives; or rather, nutrition live your special moment. It is a turning point or a before and after conception nutrition / health.

It is understood that losing weight is not just count calories consumed vs. calories expended, but rather, how we treat our body nutritionally and how we manage those calories.

To lose weight, the key is not to follow a strict diet, or monodietas calls, so fashionable today. The Essential to lose weight and keep the ideal weight is to change our habits (which are those that have gained us) and we decide to make our diet is as healthy as possible for good. Just with that, we can achieve optimal weight stay on forever without having to do a couple of diets a year.

Tips for losing weight

Drinking more water agua1.-

Water is a basic liquid for life and we need a mandatory basis.

We know that all that is ingested and has zero calories, is the pure water, and although the drink between meals, water does not increase its calorific value. Neither decreases (or diluted) as some think. Yes what is interesting to know is that water also goes through a process of digestion and to the digestion, the body burns calories, and if the water is cold, even more calories to warm and digest will be needed. 8 glasses of cold day (about 2 l) water, about 70 more than with water at room temperature burn calories.

According to a researcher and professor of nutrition called Rebecca Muckelbauer Berlin, he said: "water intake reinforces the effects of a diet".

Breakfast rich in protein Proteínas2.-

Far from the traditional council of breakfast rich in carbohydrates and vitamins to start the day, the tide changed and now is known to be very important for metabolism, increasing muscle fibers and the proper functioning of the body, greater consumption of proteins in the early morning. These can be ingested as eggs, low calorie meat (ham, or cooked turkey), prepared for protein shakes, etc.

Furthermore, sugars are not necessary for breakfast. The right to sweeten coffee, and sugar itself does not provide nutrients and calories. Proteins on the contrary, they get us to feel satisfied until the noon hour and prevent food cravings and said by the way, proteins require a large consumption of calories for digestion, which is another plus of your intake at breakfast, as is the fact that increase muscle mass and muscle mass also causes the body to spend more calories to their daily work.

Azúcar3.- reduce to the minimum sugar consumption

According to WHO, sugar intake per day should not exceed 5 teaspoons and add us who preferred if brown sugar.

That amount far exceeds our country. A study on Nutrition and Cardiovascular Risk, published in Spain, Spaniards consume an average of 112 grams of sugar per day, or that consume more than twice that advises the World Health Organization.

Many health problems are related to the consumption of sugar, such as: obesity, diabetes, anxiety and inattention, tooth decay, heart disease, etc. Let us not forget that sugar is converted to fat deposits if it does not burn and therefore, we can add all the diseases that have their genesis in body fat.

About sugar, no white flour and forget all refined grains (white rice, pasta, bread, etc.), are high in sugar. It is valuable to change bread, cereals and flours in general, whole grains.

Servings very controlled portions pequeñas4.-

Usually we eat more than our body needs. A good way to control portions, is learning to serve small portions and if we feel hungry, put something else on the plate, or stick with the salad. Satiety come after 20 minutes of starting to eat. We've eaten a lot or a little.

There are several valid for "fool" tricks like can be used smaller plates, or chewing snacks and eating much slower to satiety without Glad we come to food inflation.

A good trick may be to take Garcinia cambogia (hydroxycitric acid supplement) half an hour before meals with a large glass of water. It is a supplement that comes from a fruit and get a feeling of fullness and also raises the basal metabolism.

5. Stay away from all kinds of unhealthy foods

When we lose weight, we all know what we should not eat and therefore it's smart not to buy, or not to have him around and not fall into temptation when hunger strikes. If at home we have not sweet, usually we have a snack, lunch or fruit. But hungry, if we see sausage or bun us an incredible blindness to the fruit appears. In those m omenta, the reason is not working. We filled his mouth with saliva and the next, I know well ...

Food casera6.- Cook your own food

Such is the dependence we have on processed food and ready to heat in the microwave, it seems unthinkable that has to cook and spend time on it ... but if we have no time! No time, and if there is, I hardly know how to do a home cooked meal, or do not want to, because we would get done. Life itself pushes us to it. But there are lots of reasons to reject the prepared or precooked. Among others you reason because if we process ourselves the elements that compose it, eat healthier and more nutrients and fewer chemical toxins. In addition, cooking our own food, will make fresh food are a priority and be more aware of the needs of the body. Take more control of how much we eat meat, fish, vegetables and fruit and be aware of what our needs are. Masked avoid saturated fats in the ingredients and flavor enhancers that cause dependence of certain foods is believed, such as the "umami" flavor, as used and many do not know it. And what's better: we know exactly what we eat.

Each of these things is beneficial and weight control.

Although it is obvious that we live with lack of time, what is indisputable is that for those things so "we care", where we take time to be. Because, perhaps, after the family, nutrition is so much more ... It is worth spending some of our time every day making food look after 'of lifetime', with love and concern. Your loved ones will give you great value and gain in health for you and yours.

7. Sleep Sleep well

It's amazing what is related to the type of sleep, obesity or being overweight.

Sleeping properly and in the hours stipulated by biology itself is one of the best tips for weight loss, and yet it is not always taken into account.

According to a study published in the journal "Sleep", conducted by a group of researchers from the Institute of Sleep and Chronobiology at the University Hospital of Pennsylvania, he concludes that much later we sleep, more fatten. Moreover, in this case, the body's needs are mostly carbohydrates, and we know what happens when they are abused.



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