how can i weight loss

how can i weight loss

vendredi 10 octobre 2014

How to get rid of teenage obesity

Posted by SmartAliShopping  |  Tagged as:

Weight Loss, How to get rid of teenage obesity 

In the last twenty years the number of obese adolescents has tripled to nearly nine million. The increase in adolescent obesity is staggering. Excess weight is difficult for anyone, but for teenagers the effects may be worse and include health problems and is totally excluded scene. Social Obesity is increasing as the number of children with diabetes. In the past, the most severe form of diabetes was seen only in adults over 40, but current research shows the rate of increase in obesity is the real culprit.

 Type 2 diabetes can lead to kidney failure, blindness, and even death. Sleep apnea is a disorder in which the patient stops breathing for short periods during sleep. When a person is obese, there is little muscle tone around the airway and this can result in sleep apnea.

 The resulting oxygen deficiencies can cause serious health problems, such as brain damage, heart problems and death. Asthma can be a relationship between obesity are sudies show that recently began. In cases of severe obesity in the lungs can not adequately expand causing airway constriction. 

Moreover, its been suggested that systemic inflammation low common level in obese, this inflammation can affect smooth muscle tissue and cause more restriction, it is notable that most teenagers today are not after your physical health , but rather something that would make them happy and fell comfortable. Overweight adolescents may have a horrible experience at school. 

Other children are cruel and say nasty things to them. It's a bad thing that overweight adolescents also suffer from mental health problems because of their weight is another concern enitrely eating habits. Teen are attributable to obesity. Teenagers are known for their preference for junk food. There are plenty of schools that no longer allows machines containing snacks unhealthy snacks. They have been replaced with juice, water, and healthy snacks .

To go a step further than the adolescent must begin to change your diet at home. Stop eating the high-calorie fast food are so in love and make healthy homemade meals. To gradually introduce healthier choices in your diet, is the best plan. Three regular meals and two snacks daily. Throw away canned foods in favor of the landlord. From any meal with a small amount of food on the plate must be remembered that not clean your plate - and eating a slow and deliberate manner is the basis of "portion control." Eating several servings of fruits and vegetables will help balance your diet. Sometimes thirst can make us think we're hungry, drink plenty of water and stay well hydrated is important and allows your body to function better.
Today, adolescents are much less exercise. Most teenagers today are sedentary due to the increase in electronic forms of entertainment such as television sets, Internet and video. Be firm with limits on TV time, and out of the room. Instead of goining to walk is a family, or brought a bike for everyone. You can always think of some creative tasks to help them get some exercise, if nothing else works. No matter what it takes, but his goal is to get moving.



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