how can i weight loss

how can i weight loss

mardi 21 octobre 2014

I'm on a diet and not losing weight, what happens?

I'm on a diet and not losing weight, what happens? 

It happens to many people, it is put on a diet to lose weight and days go by and nothing, not one ounce. Or after losing the first kilos body stagnates. It's all about analyzing the type of diet and our daily habits, sure that something is wrong. 

The first thing to think about is that if I do not lose weight is because I spend less energy than I eat, so one of two things: either we're going with the food or not getting enough physical exercise. 
Dieting is very relative, because we can have a salad for lunch, and then we take a lot of salad salsa, avocado oil, olives ... and the calories soar. The same goes for other foods, do not eat that food is the amount you want, but in a moderate way, and that usually fail in many diets. 
Eat small, ie, choose a small plate, smaller spoons, even with small kitchen skillet. It will give you the feeling that you've eaten a plate and you have to stop. Sometimes deceive the coconut is a good strategy. 
Do not restrict any food group, eating only the bare minimum. If we begin to remove the body will have food deficiencies and tend to store more energy by slowing metabolism and storing more fat. Rather than go on a diet you have to get to "learn to eat well", introducing all foods and proportion. 

Eat slow and unhurried, help your digestive system to make better digestion and bring them fewer calories per minute. It is said that satiety begins a half hour to start eating, so the slower you go eating less've introduced so that half hour. 
Do not skip meals. We have said many times that the best thing to lose weight is to do 5 meals a day, and do not think much, does not mean eat until you drop at every meal, but ensure that there are no oscillations of glucose and us that hunger canine we will eat more than they should. 
Another common failing is the way to cook food. Not the same take a boiled potato a potato patats, calories are tripled. Learning to cook healthy is also a key pillar the diet to work. Cooking baked, steamed, boiled and microwaved can do much to reduce calories in the dish. 
Food shopping is another important point. Plan and make a good list where not lack food: vegetables, vegetables, fruit, meat, fish, vegetables and pasta. Make a list of foods with the food pyramid to the side, so you know what foods you need to buy in greater quantity and which should just touch the shopping cart. 
Are you sure you exercise ?, going to walk 20 minutes to a crawl is not enough. Part of the exercise should be taken seriously, as it will be the more calories we will lose. Choose an aerobic exercise you like and practice it 3-4 times a week, slowly but surely rising higher and the bar. This will make you lose 300-400 kcal per session, plus the time that the altered metabolism pull, come on, a bonanza for weight loss. 
Keep track of sport you do. For every time you make a sports session as we have said, cross out one calendar day to finish the month has to be more hollow white crosses. 

And if you've tried everything and still nothing works for you, as always, we recommend going to a specialist. Your doctor or nutritionist is the person who can advise best for weight loss because it will examine your features and give you a customized solution.



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