6 Tips to lose weight at night
The end of the day can also be the ideal time to reduce size, follow these tips and get ready to conquer!
1. Dinner with little salt.
If you want to wake up feeling less bloated, definitely avoid foods high in sodium, advises Keri Gans, author of The Small Change Diet. What happens is that the salt stays in your system overnight, so you'll wake up more swollen than usual. The best option is to cook a healthy dinner with steamed vegetables and lean protein, none of this is loaded with salt.
2. Exercise at night.
You know that sweating can help you lose weight, but perhaps think that exercising in areas close to bedtime hours, you can do you can not sleep. However, this is not true; a survey conducted in 2013 by the National Sleep Foudation found that the most active people have 56-67 percent more likely to sleep better, no matter what time they exercise.
3. Prepare your lunch the next day the night before.
An average meal in any restaurant contains more than twice the calories you should consume in one sitting, according to a study in 2013. But, in the rush of the morning, who has time to prepare their food? Stay away from all those extra calories by preparing your food the night before. (You can try a delicious tuna salad or chicken).
4. Drink plenty of water.
Liquid cleanse your system, which will help you get rid of any water you're holding. But, as you will not want to wake up at midnight to run to the bathroom, you miss one hour before bedtime.
5. Make sure your room is completely dark.
Melatonin may help your body produce more fat-burning hormones, according to a study published last year in the Journal of Pineal Research. As your body naturally produces melatonin, be sure not to stop production with artificial lights.
6. Lower the temperature of your bedroom.
The idea of burning calories while you sleep may seem too good to be true, but a study by the National Institute of Health Clinical Center found that people who sleep in a room cooler, burn up to seven times more calories than those who sleep in temperatures higher.
mardi 28 avril 2015
6 Tips to lose weight at night
Posted by SmartAliShopping | Tagged as: 6 Tips to lose weight at night
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