how can i weight loss

how can i weight loss

samedi 20 septembre 2014

How to lose 4 kilos in 7 days?

Posted by SmartAliShopping  |  Tagged as: , ,

After three days if the beam followed without cheating, you must have lost 2.5 to 3 kilos. 

For the weekend, if you have not cheated, you should have dropped between 7.5 and 8.5 kilos. 
If it has dropped more than this, do not do diet immediately, but rest two days (but beware), and then start again. 
This plan can be used as often as you want, and if you follow it properly, clean your system and make you feel better. 

day One 
Eat only soup and fruit, except bananas; melon and watermelon are recommended for low calorie fruits. 
Remember, take only fruit juices, tea, coffee, sugar and water. 

day Two 
This day is pure vegetable. 
Eat fresh vegetables, canned, steamed, or raw. If they are cooked it with soup broth. Do not put butter or oil them. 

Try to eat green leafy vegetables. Do not eat beans, lentils, and corn. 

Come on par vegetable soup. 

At night rewards you with a big baked potato with a little butter if you wish or olive oil. 

This day does not eat fruit. 

day Three 
This day is the combination of the previous two, all day fruits and vegetables, except bananas. 

At night do not add potatoes. 

day Four 
Since only fat burning soup, bananas and skim milk. 

Come up three bananas and two glasses of 8 ounces of skim milk and many glasses of water as you want. 

Bananas this day, are to help you not to fall into the temptation of sweets. 

day Five 
Today meat is eaten. 

You can eat up to half a kilo of lean meat (the pole without the skin) and up to five fresh tomatoes. 

You have to take five to eight glasses of water to flush uric acid that gives the meat. 

Take the fat burning soup at least once this day. 

day Six 
Today is a day of vegetables and meat: Eat until you fill them with vegetables and meat. 

If you want you can eat a good steak for breakfast, lunch and the food. Eat lots of salad with meat, but no potatoes. 

Be sure to eat the soup at least once a day. 

day Seven 
Today to end the week, eat brown rice (paddy, brown medium), natural fruit juices and vegetables. Fill up again. Remember the soup at least once a day. 

Fat burning soup recipe 
6 large onions 
2 Green peppers 
1 bunch of celery 
1 can whole tomatoes, peeled 28 ounces (6 tomatoes) 
1 col 
1 cube of chicken stock 

If you want you can add salt, pepper, curry or spicy sauce 

Cut the vegetables into small pieces and put them in a large pot with tomatoes and chicken bouillon. sierve all for 10 minutes on low heat until vegetables are tender.



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