how can i weight loss

how can i weight loss

mercredi 19 novembre 2014

23 forms (medical) to lose weight without dieting

Posted by SmartAliShopping  |  Tagged as:

23 forms (medical) to lose weight without dieting

I want to present 24 ways to lose weight without dieting. They are forms that are medically proven, so you will not have served for expedited Operation Bikini. Because remember: to assert that a diet works is not enough to argue that makes you lose weight (also living in a concentration camp makes you lose weight and no one would admit this kind of diet and healthy).
1. Come early. Savor each bite and make it last, because the signals that tell us that we are satisfied are a bit slow and if we eat fast we can get to eat more than we need.
2. Sleep more. According to a researcher at the University of Michigan, an hour more sleep each night could help a person to lose 6 kg in a year.
3. Eat more vegetables. The high fiber and water fills you up with fewer calories. Cook without added fat. And season with lemon juice and herbs rather than drowning food in high-fat sauces.
4. Eat soup. Add a broth-based soup every day. The soup is especially useful at the beginning of a meal because food slows and reduces appetite.
5. Eat whole grains. Brown rice, barley, oats ...
6. Keep tight pants a size below what you use. Losing weight is easy as water, it is difficult to lose fat. And look in the mirror often difficult to tell if we've lost some weight. One way to find and reward us for it is to have a piece of clothing a size for the dejabo we use. When we feel good, we will test our diet works.
7. Do not eat bacon. Remove the two strips of bacon at breakfast or a sandwich at lunch. This simple move saves about 100 calories.
8. Eat vegetable pizzas. If you love pizza, eat it in moderation, and mainly uses plant ingredients instead of meat.
9. Drink unsweetened. Replace sugary drinks with water and you will avoid 10 teaspoons of sugar. To spice you can add lemon or mint.
10. Use a tall, thin glass. If you drink something with sugar, then you will spread more visually whether the glass is tall and thin to wide and flat. You will drink 25-30% less. Brian Wansink found that visual cues can trick us into consuming more or less. In his studies at Cornell University found all kinds of people consumed more in a short, wide glass, even experienced bartenders.
11. Limit alcohol. Alcohol has more calories per gram (7) than carbohydrates (4) or protein (4).
12. Drink green tea. Some studies suggest that it may accelerate the burning of calories, possibly through the action of catechins calls. In any case, have a refreshing drink without tons of calories.
13. Relax. Do relaxation exercises such as yoga. Women who do yoga tend to weigh less than the rest, according to a study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association.

14. Eat at home. Eating home-cooked meals at least five days a week.
15. Pausing while eating. Slip the piece of food in the mouth, and then leaves draped over the plate and enjoy the conversation that is taking or the book you are reading.
16. Chewing gum mint. Chewing sugarless gum with a strong flavor reduces the craving to snack, and also ensures that if we eat something, it has a less palatable due to the remnants of gum taste.
17. Smaller Plates. The same thing happened with the glasses, plates occurs. Reduce the size of the plate or bowl can lower our intake of 100-200 calories a day.
18. Lots of little food.
19. Rule 80 - 20. Americans are conditioned to keep eating until you are full, but residents of Okinawa eat until they are filled to 80%. They even have a name for this naturally slimming habit: hara hachi bu. Reduces 20% of your meals.
20. Follows rules if you eat at a restaurant. The restaurant is a dangerous place if you're dieting, so keep a set of rules. Share a dish with your companion. Avoid snacks. Choose childhood dish. You can also ask to get into a bag half of what you order to eat it later.
21. The red sauce. The tomato-based sauces tend to have fewer calories and less fat than cream-based sauces. Keep that in mind in your pasta dishes.
22. Eat less meat. Eating vegetarian meals more often is a good habit to lose weight.
23. Burning 100 calories. Quick Walk 20 minutes, running 10 minutes, clean the house for half an hour ... these little exercises, long-term, not only burn calories but also reduce appetite.



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